What is Activate?

Activate, a tailored therapeutic discovery group, offers something different than individual sessions, allowing people to access deeper and even unconscious issues through hearing the stories and experiences of others. We can be reminded of some of the more buried parts of ourselves, and find revelation in common experiences.

Did You Know? Combining group work with occasional individual work is one of the most powerful ways to make the life changes that you long for.

Group is a microcosm of life, offering specialized opportunities to work on yourself in a smaller and safer setting. Giving you time before you’re ready to bring whatever was worked on (like setting a new boundary or sharing something they feel vulnerable about) into your real lives.

Plus, sharing our inner worlds with other humans reminds us that we are not alone. You are not “crazy.”

We have a place where we will be held accountable. As our relationships with each other develop we are able to offer feedback on the growth and/or stuck places we see in each other. To be seen in this deep and intimate way is healing and helps us to grow.

Being a part of a small, intimate group of people sharing their inner worlds is a privilege for each person in the group, including myself, and I take pride in creating emotionally safe environments so this beautiful and special work can happen.

How does Tanya Activate?


  • To introduce new participants to Activate, you’ll be invited to schedule a Free Discovery Session. Why? To determine the overall fit between you, myself, and the group. This ensures that you are connected to the right group for you If you’re curious and want to know more about how Activate can help you, please don’t hesitate to sign up. There is no risk—it’s free and no commitment is expected.

  • Approved new members are invited to join on the first session each month. Each group has max of 10 people. But not to worry, new groups with open spaces are always being formed.

  • Topics for each session are predetermined and will help to bring the group members to a deep place of exploration with each other. The topics relate to the human experience and the growth process so they apply to all group members.

  • With help, you’ll identify your goals for group when you first join and provides updates regularly. Plan to share something related to that goal (for example, stories of when you’re engaged in patterns you want to change or when you maybe you start noticing movement towards your goal). This is key to total activation.